quarta-feira, 18 de abril de 2012


So much on my mind
and with a slight sigh
so much has been said
even though no words came out

I can't really tell if being humans we are gifted or trapped by our own words. How can we be so presumptuous to believe all that's on our mind can be said with words or something such simple as letters, how can we truly believe that something as love or sadness can be expressed through one word? Music is the cry of the ones who couldn't find enough words to express whats on their minds, such as dance and all forms of art, I simply can't believe when someone tells me they don't have aptitude for art, it is a part of being human, you can't express everything you not only want, but need to express without art, not using your body to create more than words is a waste of potential in my opinion, everyone should express themselves as often as they could, not be understood by others, but to understend their own minds. I really wish I could get my guitar and express all that's on my head right now, I wish I could find words to express how I feel, maybe that way I could understand what that is, but that's not easy. Someone once said to me that only drugs can trully unleash the mind's real potential, but I don't agree with that, we don't need to watch our dreams or our mind as it wasn't ours, we need to connect with it and be able to express all this potential. Potential turns into energy, and energy that is not liberated is accumulated, and it becomes stress. Our generation is not more stressed because we suck, but because we think about more things at the same time, and we are trying so much to turn this into words that we are forgetting how to deal with it, music, art, dance, thats the secret, what words won't tell our body is, If our mind can't find the lyrics lets let the body find, if we can't find words, only sound, let's make that sound, or else, we may go nuts.

And in that brief moment
That sound that's nothing more
Than air going through your throat
Tells you much more than any word you have ever known

PS.: I will write in the language my mind talks to me, if it speaks to me in namekian I will write in namekian.

What if

Hunter eyes
I'm lost and hardly noticed, slight goodbye
I want to rip your lips off in my mouth
And even in my greatest moment doubt
The line between deceit and right now

Simple math
It's how our bodies even got here
Sinful math
The ebb and flow to multiply

What if I was wrong and no one cared to mention?
What if it was true, and all we thought was right was wrong?
Simple math
The truth cannot be fractioned
Either way

I imply
To mitigate the guilt, we could align
A perfectly constructed alibi
To hush the violent guilt that eats and never dies
In actual blame, they called me once the dark divide

Simple math
It's why our bodies even lay here
Sinful math
The truth cannot be fashion

What if you were crazy, would we have to listen then?
What if we've been trying to get to where we've always been?
What if I was wrong, and started trying to fix it?
What if you believed me? Everything is brilliant

What if I've been trying to get to where I've always been?
What if we've been trying to get to where we've always been?
Simple math
Believe me, all is brilliant
What if we've been trying to kill the noise and silence?
What if I was wrong and you had never questioned it?
What if it was true, that all we thought was right was wrong?
Simple math
The truth cannot be fractioned
I imply, I've got to get it back then