sexta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2010

A choice of three

"In the tunnel, I noticed I had a choice of three.

While I thought it very kind of them to offer me this, I do wonder if they realise what a dilemma they were sending to face me.
The trouble was if I looked at your reflection in the left window I missed the actual image of you and your reflection in the right. And if I looked at the right I had the same problem but the other way around.
At first I thought I should probably settle on one of the mirrors as they were soon to disappear, but that idea quickly wilted and my attention was drawn back to the center, occasionally checking on either side.
I must say I did question the authenticity of your nap a few minutes before. As the train left Loughborough I suspected it could have been a device to avoid conversation. I'd barely considered this for a moment, however, when a heavy breath and a gulping sound that I decided would be too embarrassing to fake led me to conclude that your nap wasn't fraudulent.
I found it difficult to concentrate on anything else as you slumped beneath your coat. Delighted that we'd waited until this hour to travel so the evening sun got its opportunity to skip across those sleeping cheeks, but unnerved by the prospect of being removed from the opposing chair to yours.
I knew it was reserved, but hoped that whoever had reserved it had fallen over. It looked as if today I'd be safe; the train wasn't too busy, but I did take a moment to recall a time when I was less fortunate.
I remembered it with a chilling vividity we were on the way to Brighton. I knew it was going to be his seat as soon as I saw him on the platform unzipping, checking, zipping, and re-checking things. Something about his face suggested that he had for years had a moustache and had not long since removed it.
He wasn't going to think twice about disposing of me, especially considering then he'd get the chance to sit with you."

- Alex Turner.

I saw this and almost immediately thought about us, L.
You know how much I love you, don't you?

Xoxo, W.

quinta-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2010

A banda ta realmente evoluindo!!

Gente, ensaio maravilhoso mesmo, adorei, mesmo com tudo pra dar errado ta aí a prova que um dia vai realemente dar certo! espero que na volta de viagem de todos estejamos ainda melhores, e que a história de comprar uma bateria dê certo, porque seria perfeito

Realmente muito bom! tão todos de master parabéns, Eduardo tocou muuuuuuito e lembrou de todas as músicas (yay! ahsudhea) o Gabriel também, além de se divertir tocando, ficou muito bonito o baixo, a Lívia eu nem preciso dizer né, cantou muito bem, como sempre com a voz linda e ainda mais dessa vez, e eu fiquei feliz porque consegui lembrar da maioria das musicas e o que não lembrei deu pra dar uma improvisada haeuahea. Pelo menos terminamos todas as músicas, e agora se dizemos "ah, vamos tocar aquela que da certo" ainda são possíveis todas, porque todas dão certo, não são perfeitas, mas dão certo, parabéns pessoal. Ainda vamos inventar algo bom pra My cartoon network e vai ficar muito legal, afinal o que ja fizemos ja ta muito bem.

Parabéns a todos e eu tenho certeza que a gente só vai melhorar daqui pra frente. Só falta um nome ahsudehausdea

E finalmente a banda parece dar certo com os integrantes, todos se entendem e quando algo da errado sabemos corrigir, fiquei muito feliz com isso, adoro todos vocês mesmo, a nossa musica me faz feliz, e com vontade de tocar mais. Quando comprarmos a bateria poderemos tocar até não aguentar mais, e de graça \o/

You know I love you,

Xoxo, W.